Learn How To Deal With Hair Loss

Learn How To Deal With Hair Loss

Hair loss can be disconcerting for both men and women. Usually, hair loss is related to genetics, but it can be caused by stress, disease and hormones. Many people learn to live with it, but others try various remedies, such as Propecia, minoxidil and hair transplants. While hair loss is upsetting, there are things that can be done about it.

DHT is the byproduct of testosterone breakdown and is the major factor in hair loss. This actually means that hair loss is due mostly to a hormonal imbalance. Many studies have shown that this is true, including one test among Japanese men who ate westernized diets. Improve your diet today.

If you want to avoid damaging your hair, which could lead to hair loss, then don’t use a brush on it when it’s wet. It’s best to just dry it with a soft towel, and let it dry naturally. Also, if you like to use a leave-in conditioner, keep the product away from the scalp.

Do not brush wet hair. When your hair is wet, it is stretched from the weight of the water. When you brush hair in this state, you contribute to breakage as the already taut hair cannot handle the forces placed on it by the brush. If you must untangle your hair before it is dry, gently use a wide-toothed comb, being very careful not to pull too hard.

To get the best results from a wig, purchase one before you’ve lost all your hair. This will allow you to get a wig that matches your natural hair color exactly. This will also take some of the stress out of hair loss. No matter what, you’ll know you have a high quality wig you can wear at any time.

If you suffer from hair loss, you may want to consider eating a handful of white sesame seeds. The calcium and magnesium found in these seeds have been proven to help stop and prevent further hair loss. It is recommended that you only eat a handful and that you do so in the morning.

Try to avoid excessive salt in your diet if you want to prevent hair loss. Large amounts effect the bloodstream and too much or too little blood going to the scalp can effect your hair loss. Also, products with sugar can have the same effect as salt.

You can make a pre-wash paste to use before you wash your hair to help prevent hair loss. You simple take henna with fenugreek, curd, egg and amala. Mix them into a paste form and apply it to the scalp. Allow it to sit for about five minutes prior to washing your hair.

Some men embrace their baldness, even going so far as to shave off the rest of their hair. But others are not so happy about their hair loss and seek ways to deal with it. There is no definitive cure for hair loss, but there are some medications, both oral and topical, that can help the situation.

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